Sangeeta gave us a beautiful talk on how she went from fear to a state of love while raising her son. As a young mother she went to meet a doctor in Dubai who insensitively showed her a video of an adult autistic man chewing paper staring blankly in a window. This scared and instilled fear in her. That fear, she feels was present constantly, whether it was when she took her kid to public places or traveled.
Then a homeopathic doctor changed her perspective when he would ask her about her son's fear levels. So from worrying about delayed milestones and teaching objectives, she started getting sensitive to how the child felt and started connecting with him.
She also felt a lot of negativity while teaching the child and this she felt affected him further. Then she read books like 'The Biology of Belief' by Bruce Lipton and this made her realize that her own negativity and projection was causing self-fulfilling outcomes. She says the energy you give out to the universe, comes back to you. If the child is taught with a belief that he will learn, it will have a better outcome than otherwise.
She found that she went from the stages of a fear for what was going on with her child, to being an activist-type mom- gearing to fight with anyone who didn't make allowances for her special child, to finally a state of acceptance of both the child and the world.
She feels autistic children live in a higher dimension and can sense energy patterns of people around them. She has studied that her son is able to gauge her inner condition and reacts to the same. This has made her also more aware of the various turbulent forces inside her.
She suggests yoga, meditation and prayer as means to change the negative vibrations in us and do those as a practice. She conducted a half hour meditation exercise, which was focused on feeling rather the thinking through our environment and connecting with the feelings of the child, energetically.
She gave us a few mantras that have improved her life, one being-'Be the change, you want to see in this world'.
In Sangeeta's own words-
'In humans, the extremes of the two polarities might appropriately called Love and Fear'. Love fuels growth while Fear stunts growth.
-Bruce Lipton
Temple Grandin has mentioned in her book 'Thinking in Pictures' - The Principal emotion experienced by autistic people is FEAR. Fear is the foundation of many other feelings like anxiety,rage and even depression.
The emotion of fear is experienced by both child and parents at different levels.
Sensitive child who is born healthy and happy slowly slips into autism kind of condition.This happen in general between age of 1 to 2, some case it happen little late , child is diagnosed at the age of 3 or even 4.
Why it happens is a big question.
Why it happens is a big question.
I feel, maybe the child experienced an extreme psychological stress during this time , the reason may be too many compulsory and optional vaccines or other environmental, emotional toxins .With this extreme stress at such a tender age, on a sensitive body, becomes too much to handle, the child's autonomic nervous system slows down. The child starts shutting down self from external environment . It effects his motor movement, sensory system. Child develops certain strategies to cope up with FEAR like stimming, running around, flapping etc. On the basis of these symptoms, we label child Autistic.
There is no autism when child is in a stress-free, calming environment .
Dr Shankaran, a homeopath from Mumbai first pointed towards this mental state of FEAR, to me, when my son was under his treatment for his autistic traits.
Dr Shankaran, a homeopath from Mumbai first pointed towards this mental state of FEAR, to me, when my son was under his treatment for his autistic traits.
Dr Paul Herscue has connected the emotion of fear and autistic symptoms very well in his book 'Stramonium'.
Its quite possible that due to certain reasons, extreme physiological stress makes the child pushed into the autism condition and then it becomes a vicious cycle, difficult to break.
The first requirement is to support and help such a sensitive and conscious child and provide him with a calming environment at school and home.
Introducing more right- brain oriented activities, like soothing music, arts and dance, horse riding, swimming in his life.
To de-stress deep pressure massage along with acupressure in everyday basis also helps.
We can use Essential Oils for healing touch.
Acceptance and loving environment, free from toxic emotions are few steps we can take to help the conscious child.
After this labelling, parents are under constant stress and they also experience lots of toxic emotions like anger frustration, anxiety, mental chaos.which again comes from FEAR deep inside the brain.fear of loosing a normal child, social fear like what people with think about my child 's behavior , how he /she will be toilet trained ?will he / she get admission in school? Will he / she have playmates in life? What will happen to his overall education? What will be his future profession ? Will he/ she will be independent ? What will happen when parents are gone .Fear of failure have experienced , when child experience life differently and learn differently and as a parent we find difficult to teach him we develop fear of failure , that scenario we want to teach but we find self not good enough to guide him/ her.We, as a parents need to do lots of inner work to move from Fear consciousness to Love consciousness.
A few mantras which have helped me are-
1.We will get what we believe ...... Recommended reading 'Biology of Belief' by Bruce Lipton and 'Spontaneous healing of Belief' by Gregg Braden.
2 My energy is powerful and can effect my son both ways- positive and negative.There is a need to keep self free from toxic food and toxic emotions.
3.Child is energetically sensitive about what parent feel about him /her. If the parent FEELS he can do this, he will do this, be it academic, sports or anything else.
But if parent believes the child is having some kind of disorder, this conscious child will manifest disorder as part of his personality only, not his strengths.
But if parent believes the child is having some kind of disorder, this conscious child will manifest disorder as part of his personality only, not his strengths.
4.There is always competition with self not with fellow neurotypical parents or Special need parents.
5. Living in the present ..... Present moment is life ..... Recommended reading 'Awesomism' by Suzy Miller.
6.Living in harmony with plants and animal kingdom. Lots of grounding and connection with mother earth brings happiness and healing.
7.Be the change you want to see in this world.If u want awareness and acceptance for your child,then accept him the way he is and be aware about his unique personality. ......Recommended reading Lori Shayew's book (to be released soon).
8.All we need is love.... Love for life equality for all.... Recommended reading -'Philosophy of Love' by Dr Haridas Choudhury.
9.Self healing tool : meditation prayers way of life, there is need to create harmony and peace in environment. Physical,Emotional,Mental and spiritual fitness must on part of parent.'