Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dr Padmini Vasudevan's session on How to Stay Healthy.

Dr Padmini gave us a wonderful talk on Health. She started with the three mantras of aiming to be thin, eating healthy and excercising. She said we need to completely convert to an animal free diet, without even milk products as that is what nature meant us humans to consume. She advised to have a green spinach variety daily, cut back on oil but not on carbohydrates. She said a gram of sugar and starch had 4 kcals but a gram of fat had 9 kcals. She recommended eating all  colors of food. She also recommended watching YouTube lectures of Dr Calwell Esselstyn and Dr Neal Barnard and her 7 min workout schedule- also available online. 
She said weight&lifting helps add calcium to the bones, on the area of the body worked on. 
She said the reason menopause problems occurs is primarily due to poor diet and exercise. Most menopause issues are in the mind and due the current station of life. 
Dr Padmini has been on her own diet for decades and the fact that she operates till date at age 70, does bee-keeping, is a terrace gardener, likes to see and paint, apart from running a consultancy, speaks volumes of the efficasy of advice.