Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gyaan Budhwar- Mala

Mala Chinnappa gave us a talk on ‘Education of the Special Child in the light of Spiritual Science’. Her understanding of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy, Curative education, Waldorf and Camphill schools was explored during the session. She began by explaining that she was still in the midst of the 7 moduled course spread over 3 years. These modules represent seven divisions of seven years each in the life of a human ie 0-7 years, 7-14 years and so on, each division focusing on certain areas of self-development. For example she said, the period 49-56 years is the time one gives back to society what one has assimilated, a time for sharing wisdom, for example.

Steiner developed a model of education for special children based on the study of Theosophy. Karma and reincarnation are key theories of this system and Mala expounded that the spiritual soul takes a human birth but then gets cut off from its spiritual self. This spiritual soul has planned everything for the human including who its parents will be, and other life details so maximum experience and learning can happen for the soul through the birth. This process is cyclical and happens till the soul wants to enjoy the physical life, after which it stops.

Curative is a literally translation of a German word (Steiner being German) ‘healing’. Movement, Rhythm, art, Music and story telling are the soul food which forms an integral part of the education and healing in a day of a person involved with this education- be it student or teacher.

While Waldorf schools are for mainstream kids, Camphill schools are for special kids and adults- a boarding facility with live-in teachers and volunteers.

There are about  a 100 Camphill schools world over, though he number is fastly diminishing. The growth and change that one expects in such schools is for both student and teachers/volunteers. It’s a method of life where one is in harmony with one’s own body and nature, fulfilling our higher purpose in this life.

Mala sang some story- songs to show how both morality and facts could be taught in a playful way. She also showed how movement helps us sense our etheric body and helps the ‘prana’ flow well.

Eurythmy movement was also briefly explored.

In all we got a taste of this unique model of special education which connects us and our kids to our spiritual selves. As Mala put it, we are not humans having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience. 

Thank you Mala for an unforgetable session.

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