Friday, December 2, 2016

13 Nov, eve of Children's day, Story telling at Mitr

Janaki Sabesh runs an organisation called Golpo Tales unlimited. She is a story teller and runs a story group for children. 

The kids were engrossed in this playful session. Thank you, Janaki!


We had a session by Mr Ramesh on neuro linguistic programming or NLP. Here is a summary written by Priya Sasi.

NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970s in USA. NLP  creators claim that there is a connection between neuro processing, language and behaviour patterns learnt through experience and can be changed to achieve goals in life.

Simple definition of NLP is 

 How we do, What we do”.

What we do is the CONTENT
How we do is the PROCESS
How do we use NLP in REAL TIME?
Thought --------à words --------à outcome
When you manage (in other word), if you are in the business of people , to get a desired outcome sometimes the focus should be on the content and sometimes the focus should be on the process. But NLP recommends to keep the focus on the process.

1. Pattern
2. Map
3. Strategy
4. Belief
5. Modeling
6. Conflict

Anything and everything around us are patterns (something which repeats itself ). The ability to recognize patterns around us help us to live in harmony with world around us.
The best way of recognizing a pattern is observing patterns”i.e. simply listen to someone how he/she is saying/doing/being.
The more you recognize someone’s patterns, the more you connect to them in a way they want to connect.
Some patterns support us and some patterns stop us.

Map is perception based our experience.
Each person has their unique map based on their own experience.

Programming may be defined as strategies we form to achieve our goal. 
Strategies may be 
• Unconscious strategies or
• Conscious strategies. 

Unconscious strategies are strategies, which are formed to perform our regular tasks. 
Conscious strategies are strategies, which are formed to perform a new task.
There is no generalized strategy which is suitable for all.Each of us have to form our own strategy.
Best strategy is to “Trust your own senses
What is the exact thing I didafter it works well is the Best strategy.

We form a belief, when we get a desired response for a particular strategy.

The core of NLP is “Modeling Excellence
Children learn everything from parents . Parents are their role model. They are not aware of values or right or wrong. When a child sees his/her parents, he/she forms patterns from them and he/she follow parents as role models . So it becomes very important to be a good role model as a parent rather than instructing them.

If we run a strategy for getting an outcome, but then the outcome is not as expected, there comes the conflict.
Conflicts maybe 
• Within self
• With others
We should learn how to resolve the conflict with congruence

Statement 1: Map is not the territory
What we  see is not actual.
Map is perception based our experience
You represent what is true for you. So every individual have different map.
Statement 2The Meaning of communication is the effect / response. 
Whatever the response you received is what you communicated
Change your belief and have a strategy to have your required outcome
(i.e.) the response depends on how well we communicate. If we don’t get desired response, we need to change the communication pattern. And the more strong we aspire for an outcome, the more effective we design strategies to achieve it. If our aspirations are not strong , we may not be successful in designing effective strategies and in that  case we choose to live with it.

1. One way of empowering the child is not to rescue the child.
2. Accept the child as he/she is.
3. Observe the child so that you can understand the way he/she wants to learn.
4. Recognize the learning style/ way(visual/auditory/kinesthetic) of your child
5. We all have default sense similarly child also has default sense, recognize child’s default pattern and respect his sense.
6. Find your default way of being and find child’s default way of being, based on that work with thechild.
7. It is important to take yourself as reference(internal reference), then only you will be moving ahead in any task.
8. Children themselves will give solutions, just hear them.
9. Person with greater flexibility always succeed.
10. Acceptance is the important key to success.
a. Accept self, 
b. Accept partners and 
c. Accept the situation

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Bach Flower Remedies-Session by Deepa

Deepa Vijay shared her knowledge of Bach Flower remedies with us to help us handle our emotional issues with ease.

Bach Flower Remedies

       Flower Remedies - discovered by  Dr  Edward Bach.
       37 flower remedies have the dew collected from the surface of wild flowers and water collected from springs near the same flowers.
       Each flower is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state, and the dew collected from it imbibes that nature.
       BFR not only work for humans, they are very effective when used with plants and animals too.

How do they work?
      Bach Flower Remedies (BFR) act at an emotional level by raising our vibrations and opening up channels for receiving the spiritual self.
      In the state of being closer to our Spiritual self we find peace and are relieved of suffering.
      BFR flood our nature with the particular virtue we need and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm.
      BFR works not by attacking the disease but by flooding our body with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature.
      BFR works like peeling of an onion. One emotion after the other gets healed.
      BFR heals the internal emotion along with the external disease.

General Info
      Available in tincture form and pills form in any homeo shop.
      No danger of overdosing or side effects.
      No diet or other restrictions.
      No contra indications.
      Just dissolve the pills in drinking water.
      BFR do not have any expiry date.
      BFR do not react with any other system of medicine you are currently taking.

Dosage and Repetition
      In acute diseases, one single dose (2-3 pills) gives results in minutes if not seconds
      If there is relief but not complete, repeat several times
      If there is no relief in the first dose, the selection is wrong
      In chronic diseases 1-3 doses per day
      With every change in the picture, add a new remedy as required
      In acute diseases, one single dose (2-3 pills) gives results in minutes if not seconds
      If there is relief but not complete, repeat several times
      If there is no relief in the first dose, the selection is wrong
      In chronic diseases 1-3 doses per day
      With every change in the picture, add a new remedy as required
      These 37 remedies span the whole arena of the mental and emotional suffering experienced by man.
      BFR were divided by Edward Bach into 7 groups which represent 7 major areas of Consciousness where mental and emotional imbalances occur.

7 Groups of Remedies
  1.  Fear
  2. Anger, Rage, Resentment.
  3.  Worry, Guilt
  4. Indecision, Uncertainty
  5. Sadness, Depression.
  6. Opinionated.
  7.  Desire for approval

o   Fear
Unspecified Fear -Aspen
      I have vague irrational fears
      I am terrified of the dark
      I wake up suddenly in the night frightened by nightmares
      Sometimes in the morning I am struck with fear that something bad will happen
Specific fear-Mimulus
      Afraid of injections
      Fear of disease
      Fear of flying
      Fear of exams
      Nervous breakdown
      Fear of heights
      Fear of public speaking

o   Anger, Rage, Resentment
Misplaced anger/ outbursts of anger/ fear of losing control over oneself-Cherry Plum
      Anger is so uncontrollable that I tend to beat
      Suddenly lose my temper and scream at my husband or whoever is in front of me
      If this goes on, I will go mad and commit suicide
      Unbearable itching/ pain
      Addictions/ cravings

      Uncontrolled cough, Violent/ Dominating- Vine
      Expect to be obeyed without question
      Impose will on others and lose temper when contradicted
Rage/ Hatred/ Jealousy/ Distrust-Holly
      Want to punish him for hurting me
      Suspect him for ulterior motive
      Sibling rivalry

Temper tantrums/ Attention seeking/ Possessive/ Emotional blackmailing/ Make others feel guilty- Chicory
      Fear of losing persons to someone
      Possessive of friends – wanting to be the centre of attention

o   Worry, Guilt
      Hides grief from others/ internally tormented-Agrimony
      Drinking for overcoming grief
      Desire to wander
      Don’t want to burden anyone with worries so does not reveal his problems. 
      Constant Worry/ Unwanted Persistent thoughts-White Chestnut
      Talking with self
      Clinically alright but symptoms of disease exist

o   Indecision, Uncertainty
       Inability to make up mind between two things-Scleranthus
      Not able to prioritise my work
      Always late
      Extreme mood swings
      Delayed memory
      “Once more” – checking and rechecking locks etc

      Sudden uncertainty/Suddenly doubtful about carrying out the day’s work--Hornbeam
      Just the thought of going to office makes me tired
      I feel mentally exhausted at the thought of all the work I have
      I get tired very easily
      Work is not exciting

Sudden mental block- Elm
      Midlife crisis – feeling of how long can you go on
      Sudden mental block in the middle of a presentation

        Has too many ideas but cannot find the right one/ Lack of direction-Wild oat
      I have tried diff things but nothing gives me satisfaction
      Employed in many jobs
      “What is my aim”, disillusioned, at crossroads
      Feeling that life is just passing by
“I cant”/ ”I Wont”-Larch
      Lacking self confidence
      To use inner potential to the max
      “I want to become like someone”
Indecision- Cerato
      Always asking opinion from others
      Always searching for solutions and not finding answers
      Cerato is the inner Guru.

o   Sadness, Depression
Unknown/ Deep Depression- Mustard
      There is only darkness in my life
      Bipolar personalities alternating sadness and happiness
      To understand any subject

Total hopelessness in every walk of life-Gorse
      Feel sad all the time
      A lot of failures depress me
      I can never get over this loss
      Incurable disease and you are left with no hope
      To make possible whatever is not possible

Depression turning to bitterness/ resentment Willow
      Why am I handpicked by God to suffer?
      My parents ruined my life.
      People really don’t like me.

Apathy but no complaints-Wild Rose
      Become listless/ lifeless.
      I have become indifferent to what is happening.
      Lack of enthusiasm.

Shock –Mental/ Physical-Star of Bethlehem
      The death of a near one devastated me. Am yet to get over the shock.
      Useful while imparting shocking news.

Great anguish/ Despair-Sweet Chestnut
      Severe mental anguish “Even my enemy should not have this”
      “Everyone has deserted me.

o   Opinionated
Persistence in attempts-Oak
      Trying to repair something while knowing nothing about it.
      Will help to work smartly

Superiority Complex-Water Violet
      Cannot be receivers
      Desire loneliness
      Do not like others to interfere in their work

Inflexible-Rock Water
      Highly self disciplined, hard on himself.
      Arrogance/ego/ pride because of his principles.
Too much gyming/ yoga.

Temperamental/ Irritable/ Always in a hurry-Impatiens
      Quick to temper
      Sensitive to sound.
      Ear problems

Over enthusiasm keeping mind occupied-Vervain
      Trying to change other people through advice.
         Over enthusiasm keeps you sleepless.
     Mind is always preoccupied with schemes finished and unfinished.

o   Desire for approval
-   Pleasing others always-Centaury   Cannot say “no” to anybody.
      Does work for others with anger/ resentment.
      One who has low self esteem.
      Has a docile/ submissive nature.
      Person is easily led/ deceived by flattery.

Self obsessed/ Poor listener-Heather
      Always talking about oneself.
      One who is lonely because others avoid him.
      Exaggerates his troubles.

Mental and Physical Exhaustion
Total exhaustion leading to disinterest-Olive
      When I get up in the morning I am mentally very tired
      He needs to be pushed to start his work
      He has eye strain watching TV/ computer

All time remedies
      Adjust to situations
      While moving to a new place
      While changing jobs
      To become a truly spiritual person
      Though strong willed finds himself in forced circumstances
      Transition to next level – developmental milestones/ school/ college/ jobs
      Crab Apple
      Important for de-addiction
      For Self dislike
      For someone who always thinks about cleanliness
      Frequent washing of hands

Rescue Remedy
Remedy for all emergencies - Bach also discovered a unique combination of 5 remedies which aim at restoring calm to a person in an acute emergency situation.
      Rescue Remedy is a combination of the following flower remedies:
     Rock Rose (to counter act terror and panic)
     Cherry Plum (to balance intense tension and fear)
     Clematis (to overcome faintness)
     Impatiens (to counter act inner turmoil)
     Star of Bethlehem(To reduce shock, trauma and sadness)

      Aspen- Afraid of darkness – spray aspen in the room
      Mimulus Used for luck, Fear of exams.
      Fear of exams when extreme – Mimulus + Rescue Remedy
      Take 2 pills of Mimulus while getting into an auto. He will only charge by the meter.
                               Crab Apple- To remove side effects of allopathic drugs take Beech +Crab apple.
      Reduces heaviness after a meal.
      Good for skin problems.
  Ear problems- Remedy for ringing sound in the ears/ loss in hearing/ Ear problems – Heather+            Impatiens+ Hornbeam+ White Chestnut.
      Cherry Plum- Good for singers to maintain their voice / hit a higher pitch.
Useful before delivery of the baby.
      Vine- While giving advice to someone take Vine, advice will be readily accepted  ;)
      Holly - Sibling  rivalry – Holly +Chicory.
       Chicory- Chicory plant roots are 60 foot deep. Chicory tendencies are as deep as the root of its plant.
Chicory also called the “mother in law remedy”. Has to be continued for at least 6 months.
       Harmony Remedy - Beech + Willow+ Chicory + Walnut+ Agrimony (5 pills each) – to be taken once a week.
      Facial glow- 5 pills Agrimony + 5 pills Crab apple – Wash your face with the water or wet a tissue with this water and keep on your face for some time.

      White Chestnut- For persistent cough. Good tranquilizer.

      Scleranthus - For constipation.
For delayed labour or breech baby.

      Hornbeam- For unsolvable problems take Hornbeam + Oak +Walnut
If the car has a starting problem, chant Hornbeam.

      Vervain - Time management – Vervain + Scleranthus.

      Seizure- White chestnut+ Mimulus everyday to prevent seizures
During a seizure – Rescue remedy.

Diabetes/ Hypertension - Wild Rose.