Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Breakfasts at Mitr

We begin a sunday breakfast service at Mitr, prepared by special kids and supported by special moms.

The MITR Anthem
"Break the Wall"
1. I want to break down walls lord
2. I want to break down walls
3. I want to break down walls lord
4. Oh help me break down walls
5. Between the losers and the winners
6. Between the restless and the calm
7. Between the different and the typical
8. Oh help me break down walls

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Art at Mitr

From 19th Jan 2016, our first one-on-one art classes begun.

Art with hands..

Art with ink and droppers.

Art with sand and paints.

Bottle dolls!

Happy New year Potluck

We bid farewell to 2015 and a friend who is migrating to another town, with a pot luck and loads of games and laughter on jan 9th 2016.

Mitr Cafe- we cook

Mitr Café on 29th nov 2015- we cook this time- easiest dish- poor old maggi.Kids once again take on different roles of running a café.

Mitr Cafe Inaugrated

Mitr Café inaugurated..Nov 27th 2015 take on roles as cooks, waiters, cashiers and customers as parents and volunteers help.

Halloween Party

Mitr conducts a Halloween Party on 31st oct 2015, games, puppet show, story telling and pumpkin carving lighten up the evening.

Dr Lalitha gives a talk on Sujok and Reiki

Oct 27th,2015, Dr Lalitha gives us an interesting talk on the uses of Sujok and Reiki as alternate healing techniques.

Movement workshop by Meera

Oct 15th Mitr had its first workshop with parents and kids of the special needs family. It was a fun evening of group movement and play.

We started the first ever Mitr activity by the following prayer written by Annie Besant in 1923-

'O hidden life, vibrant in every atom,
O hidden light, shining in every creature,
O hidden love embracing all in oneness,
May each who feels himself one with thee,
Know he is therefore, one with every other.'