Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Partnering with Nayi Disha

Nayi Disha, a Hyderabad based resource centre is in the process of creating a country wide Resource Library, city by city, and we at Scan became partners to help this process. 

Neuroplasticity by Dr Rajarajeshwari

Dr Rajarajeshwari

Mental Health Programs

Ongoing workshops/ interaction sessions at Mitr on Mental well being and regaining sense of peace and direction in life, two Special Moms- Bindu and Beena have been conducting wonderful programs at Mitr.

Bindu Haridas has been doing a program called 'Self Discovery' which is loosely based on Louise Hay's 'Mirror Work' plus Beena's own discoveries in healing.

Beena Prithviraj has been doing 'Open Up' -Conversations in Mental Health, with small groups of people.

Both programs are ongoing.