Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Tribute to Amma

My Mother-in law is the oldest special parent I knew, who passed to peace on 9th of March 2017. As a tribute to her, Savitri and Suchitra from Yogavahini rendered a soulful chanting for us, arranged by the ever-thoughtful Mini.  The cafe, as usual spread its joy of food and fun for all.

The invite made so nicely by Gopi.

May your spirit spread its love and continue to support us.

Purnam idam...

The bravest woman I know.

Kaushik honours Savitri and Suchitra.

Mitr cafe with its usual chatting sessions.

Thank you all for sharing this beautiful evening together.

Pic credits- Anush 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Zumba Classes

We had two free trials of Zumba classes in collaboration with 'Explore Differently' team in Feb 2017.

Much enjoyed by all participants.

We continued the Zumba lessons on other days as well...

Therapeutic Touch

In January 2017, we had a four day Therapeutic Touch workshop conducted by Ananya Sriram Rajan.

What Is Therapeutic Touch?
Therapeutic Touch is an energy healing technique developed by Dora Kunz and Dolores Kreiger, though it’s an ancient technique. Dora, who first conceived of TT, was a theosophist and theosophy is the comparative study of science, religion and philosophy. Hence the approach taken by her and her protégée-Dolores Krieger is hinged on objectivity and rationality.
Both were nurses, though Dolores had completed her PhD. Hence both had access to patients, their medical records, hospitals, doctors and methods to substantiate their work with observed data.
This aspect sets aside TT from other alternate healing techniques, though both Reiki and Pranic healing are also manipulation of the prana. While acupressure and acupuncture deals with the meridians which carry this energy in the pranic body.

How does it work?
We all have an energy body also called ‘Etheric Double’ as part of our physical body. This body is usually Two inches or so larger than our physical body and hence can be sensed on the surface. To clairvoyants it appears as bluish- grey or violet-grey in appearance. It is this that has chakras on its surface. The energy comes in at spleen chakra (just below diaphragm, to the left side) and distributes in five main channels and then moves out through the fingers. If the energy does not flow harmoniously in the etheric body, the cause may be blockages in the channels and chakras. By clearing the blockages and sending the energy properly again, the energy body gets back to shape. TT is this process of scanning, clearing and re-energizing the energy body.

Why does it work?
The energy body (etheric body) is the blue print of the physical body. All diseases first originate in the etheric body. Hence if that is made healthy, over time, or instantly, the physical body also gets cured. TT does not work on linear time.

What else affects the Etheric body?
The emotional and mental energetic bodies also surround the etheric body and they too have chakras. Our healthy emotions and thoughts are fundamental to the health of the etheric body and hence our physical body.

What qualities are needed to become a Therapeutic Touch healer?
An ability to ‘center’ oneself as TT is a ‘healing meditation’ and a desire to help the others without personal ego. Plus a sensitivity to the etheric body energies.

How much of TT has been substantiated by science?
·         Haemoglobin levels rise when TT is administered.
·         Kirilian photography has made images of the etheric body.

·         The rest of the evidence is empirical- based on studies made in hospitals, by Dora, Dolores and other professionals.